Friday, July 14, 2006

I have become obsessed with strip journalling, stickers and buttons to the point where I can't seem to do a layout without them. I decided to see how many stickers I could fit on one layout without it looking too silly, once I got to 100 I just had to add some buttons as well. It was actually quite hard to place the stickers and still keep the right balance and not make the layout look ridiculous, virg'in on it, but not quite.


Blogger Delys said...

Am loving your strip journalling/stickers and buttons...gotta have buttons! Love it Faye!

8:25 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great use of stickers! I never thought you could fit so many on a page ... looks great!

8:54 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Faye you make the use of stickers look easy on a layout. Your page looks great.

8:56 am  
Blogger Lara said...

looks great Faye!

9:48 am  
Blogger Shani kowalczyk said...

This looks great Faye. I love this idea as you can say sooooo much in one layout :-)

8:36 pm  

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